Answer :




India faces several political risks in 2024, driven by both domestic and international factors. Key risks include:

1. **Geopolitical Tensions**: India's strategic positioning in the Indo-Pacific region and its relationships with neighboring countries, particularly China and Pakistan, continue to present challenges. Tensions with China over border disputes and strategic competition in the Indian Ocean are significant concerns. Additionally, India's role in the Quad alliance (with the US, Japan, and Australia) could further complicate relations with China.

2. **Internal Political Stability**: India is heading towards general elections, which introduces uncertainties. Electoral misinformation and disinformation pose risks to the legitimacy of the election process, potentially leading to political unrest and violence. This is exacerbated by societal polarization and the spread of false information via social media

3. **Economic and Regulatory Environment**: While India continues to show strong economic growth, it faces risks related to regulatory changes and policy unpredictability. This includes issues around foreign investment, trade policies, and taxation. Additionally, global economic conditions and inflation pressures could impact India's economic stability.

4. **Cybersecurity Threats**: As India's digital infrastructure expands, it faces increasing risks of cyber-attacks, which could target critical infrastructure and data. These threats are part of a broader global increase in cyber-related risks

5. **Social Unrest and Terrorism**: Ongoing social issues, such as religious and ethnic tensions, can lead to internal conflicts and terrorism. The potential for major terror attacks remains a concern, particularly in the context of regional instability and the activities of militant groups.

These factors collectively create a complex risk environment for India, impacting its political and economic landscape in 2024.