Answer :



Certainly! Here are 10 sentences along with synonyms for some of the words used:

1. The **benevolent** philanthropist generously donated to the orphanage.

  - Synonym: charitable

2. She **ascended** to the summit of the mountain with great determination.

  - Synonym: climbed

3. The **serene** lake reflected the colors of the sunset.

  - Synonym: tranquil

4. His **audacious** plan to revolutionize the industry surprised everyone.

  - Synonym: bold

5. The students exhibited **exemplary** behavior during the school trip.

  - Synonym: outstanding

6. The detective carefully examined the **clues** left at the crime scene.

  - Synonym: hints

7. She exhibited **resilience** in overcoming the challenges in her career.

  - Synonym: perseverance

8. The old bookstore had a **nostalgic** charm that attracted bibliophiles.

  - Synonym: evocative

9. His **meticulous** attention to detail ensured the success of the project.

  - Synonym: thorough

10. The artist's **vibrant** paintings captured the essence of city life.

   - Synonym: colorful

These sentences demonstrate the use of synonyms to convey similar meanings with different words, enhancing language variety and richness.

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