Answer :

Efficiency on Recycling Speech: Recycling is just not jargon but it is a powerful tool that we have at our disposal to enhance efficiency in resource management. It is the foundation of waste reduction. Instead of discarding the materials after a single use, recycling allows us to reclaim and repurpose those materials.

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Greetings to all teachers and students gathered here. Today, I stand before you to deliver my point of view on the efficiency of recycling, its role, economic growth, and its impact on biodiversity.

Recycling is just not a word; it is a powerful tool that we have at our disposal to enhance efficiency in resource management, which helps in the conservation of resources and in reducing the amount of waste that is sent to junkyards.

Efficiency in recycling extends far beyond waste reduction, therefore we can say that it plays an important role in energy conservation. For instance, recycling aluminium consumes less energy compared to extracting aluminium from bauxite ore. Here we can see that by choosing recycled material, we contribute to energy savings and simultaneously decrease our carbon footprint.

Thank you ❤️