Answer :

To provide an accurate answer, I would need more context about who Rita is. If Rita is a character from a specific book, movie, or another narrative, please specify the source. However, if you are asking in a general sense, here's a structured approach to answer such a question:

1. **Rita's Childhood Desire:** This could involve her long-standing dreams or aspirations. Common childhood desires include ambitions related to career, adventure, personal goals, or hobbies.

2. **Rita's Plans:** These would be the strategies or steps she intends to take to achieve her childhood desires. Plans often include education, training, specific actions, or life choices that align with her goals.

For example:

- If Rita always wanted to be a doctor since her childhood, her plans might include attending medical school, gaining relevant experience, and eventually working in a hospital or starting her own practice.

- If she dreamed of traveling the world, her plans might include saving money, planning itineraries, and gradually visiting different countries.

Please provide more details or specify the context if you are referring to a particular story or character.