Answer :


Creating a Python script to implement the conditions for forming a democratic administration involves defining and checking various criteria typically associated with democratic governance. Here's a basic script outline that checks a few common conditions:


def is_democratic_administration(party_count, majority_threshold):


Check if a democratic administration can be formed based on given conditions.


- party_count: Total number of political parties involved.

- majority_threshold: Minimum percentage of seats required for a majority.


- True if conditions for forming a democratic administration are met, otherwise False.


total_seats = sum(party_count.values())

threshold_seats = total_seats * majority_threshold / 100

if max(party_count.values()) >= threshold_seats:

return True


return False

# Example usage:

if __name__ == "__main__":

# Example party seat distribution (replace with actual data)

party_seats = {

'Party A': 150,

'Party B': 100,

'Party C': 80,

'Party D': 70,

'Party E': 50


# Majority threshold percentage (e.g., 50% for a simple majority)

majority_threshold_percentage = 50

# Check if a democratic administration can be formed

can_form_democratic_administration = is_democratic_administration(party_seats, majority_threshold_percentage)

if can_form_democratic_administration:

print("A democratic administration can be formed based on the given conditions.")


print("Conditions for forming a democratic administration are not met.")


### Explanation:

1. **Function `is_democratic_administration`**:

- **Parameters**:

- `party_count`: Dictionary where keys are party names and values are the number of seats each party holds.

- `majority_threshold`: Minimum percentage of total seats required for a party to have a majority.

- **Logic**:

- Calculate the total number of seats (`total_seats`).

- Determine the minimum number of seats required (`threshold_seats`) for a majority based on the given `majority_threshold`.

- Check if any single party has seats equal to or greater than `threshold_seats`.

- **Returns**:

- `True` if conditions for forming a democratic administration are met (i.e., at least one party meets or exceeds the majority threshold).

- `False` otherwise.

2. **Example Usage**:

- Replace `party_seats` dictionary with actual data representing the seat distribution among political parties.

- Set `majority_threshold_percentage` to the desired minimum percentage of seats for a majority (e.g., 50% for a simple majority).

- The script then checks whether the conditions for forming a democratic administration are met based on the provided data.

This script provides a basic framework. Depending on specific democratic rules and criteria (such as coalition formation rules, proportional representation requirements, etc.), the implementation might need to be adjusted accordingly.

only code


If the condition is True, the code block indented below the if statement will be executed. If the condition is False, the code block will be skipped. Here's an example of how to use an if statement to check if a number is positive: num = 5 if num > 0: print("The number is positive.")

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