There are many different kinds of stories such as horror, fantasy,
mystery, science fiction, and
adventure. Choosing the right setting is
important to 'set the mood' of
the story. Can you think of
interesting settings for the kind of stories
listed below? Write a short
paragraph each, describing the setting for these
stories in your notebook
Remember to include the place, time, year, culture, mood
, weather
geographical surroundings, etc. Also, use descriptive adjectives to make it

ghost horror story ​

Answer :


In the heart of the mist-shrouded Scottish Highlands lies the ancient and abandoned Dunvale Manor, a sprawling mansion steeped in centuries-old legends of tragedy and haunting. The year is 1898, and as the chill of autumn descends upon the rugged landscape, whispers of ghostly apparitions and restless spirits echo through the crumbling halls of Dunvale Manor. The culture of the time is one of superstition and folk beliefs, where the veil between the living and the dead is believed to be thinnest on moonless nights. The mood is eerie and foreboding, with a sense of impending doom hanging in the air. The weather oscillates between dense fog that obscures visibility and sudden bursts of bone-chilling wind that rattles the ancient windows. Surrounding the manor are dense forests teeming with secrets and forgotten graves, adding to the macabre atmosphere of this ghostly horror tale.