Choose any one book to read and write about any one of your favourite character from the book you choose to read. You may refer to the list of some recommended books given below. Word limit: 150-200 words
• Pollyanna, Eleanor H. Porter .
• The Harry Potter Series, J.K Rowling
• Calvin & Hobbes, Bill Watterson
• An Island of Trees, Ruskin Bond
• Swami and Friends, R.K. Narayan


Answer :


I'd love to talk about one of my favorite characters from "The Harry Potter Series" by J.K. Rowling! One character that stands out to me is Hermione Granger. She is known for her intelligence, loyalty, and bravery throughout the series. Hermione is a skilled witch who values knowledge and always strives to do what is right. Her quick thinking and resourcefulness often help Harry and Ron overcome various challenges they face.

What I admire most about Hermione is her dedication to her friends and her unwavering belief in fighting for justice. She embodies the importance of courage and standing up for what you believe in, even in the face of adversity. Hermione's character development and growth throughout the series make her a truly inspiring and memorable character.

If you have any more questions or want to discuss another character, feel free to let me know!

Answer:Profile photo for Natasha Kaushal

Natasha Kaushal

I'm one in a billion. Literally.11y

I'd like to be Lisbeth Salander from Steig Larsson's Girl wth the Dragon Tattoo series.

One, she is extremely intelligent. She is a hacker who goes by the name "wasp" and is prominent in the international hacker community called Hacker Republic.

She has a photographic memory that allows her to retain all she reads without having to note it down anywhere (what I wouldn't give to do that!)

Inspite of a traumatic past life, she never complains or uses it as a crutch to get people to do things for her.

She has a very high metabolism you know what that means? Unlimited chocolate cake and cheeseburgers without having to work out!

She is brave and quite capable of defending herself even from two stocky muscle bound bikers.

I agree she's asocial and a bit of a sociopath, but thanks to the number of hours I spend in front of the screen rather than away from it, I'm almost there.

All of the above is trivial stuff. The thing that shines through is how strong her personality is.


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