after running around on the beach you take deep breathe to relax. explain why their air you breathe is in the gaseous state and describe the important of gas in our daily life​

Answer :


When you take a deep breath after running around on the beach, the air you breathe in consists of gases in the gaseous state. This happens due to the natural composition of Earth's atmosphere, which primarily consists of gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and trace amounts of other gases.

**Why is the air in the gaseous state?**

1. **Composition of the Atmosphere**: Earth's atmosphere is composed of gases that naturally exist in the gaseous state at typical environmental temperatures and pressures. For example:

- Nitrogen (N2) makes up about 78% of the atmosphere.

- Oxygen (O2) comprises approximately 21%.

- Carbon dioxide (CO2) and other trace gases make up the remaining percentage.

2. **Temperature and Pressure**: At the temperatures and pressures found on the Earth's surface, these gases remain in their gaseous form. Oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases are not in a condensed state (like liquids or solids) because the ambient temperature is above their boiling points and the pressure is conducive to maintaining them in the gaseous state.

**Importance of Gases in Our Daily Life:**

1. **Breathing**: Oxygen is essential for aerobic respiration in humans and many other organisms. We breathe in oxygen to fuel our cells and produce energy.

2. **Combustion**: Gaseous fuels such as natural gas (methane, CH4), propane (C3H8), and butane (C4H10) are vital for cooking, heating, and generating electricity through combustion.

3. **Industry and Manufacturing**: Many industrial processes rely on gases for various purposes, including chemical reactions, refrigeration, and packaging (e.g., nitrogen for food preservation).

4. **Transportation**: Vehicles use gaseous fuels like gasoline (vaporized) or diesel for internal combustion engines, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for cooking and heating.

5. **Climate Regulation**: Gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and water vapor (H2O) play crucial roles in the Earth's climate system. They trap heat in the atmosphere (greenhouse effect) and regulate the Earth's temperature.

6. **Medical Applications**: Gases are used in medical applications such as anesthesia (nitrous oxide), oxygen therapy, and in various medical devices.

7. **Environmental Balance**: Gases are involved in natural processes such as photosynthesis (where plants use carbon dioxide and release oxygen) and respiration (where organisms use oxygen and release carbon dioxide).

In conclusion, gases in the gaseous state are fundamental to life and numerous human activities. They play vital roles in sustaining life, industry, transportation, and maintaining the Earth's environment.


The air which we breathe in and breathe out is not pure oxygen or carbon dioxide respectively. As we all knew that our body and the cells inside it require more oxygen to respire and to perform its regular functions and our environment does not provide us with an exclusive supply of oxygen. In a similar way, while breathing out, we do exclusively give out carbon dioxide. Let’s know more about the composition of gases we breathe.
