Answer :


Based on the information from the search results, here is the chronological order of the events:

1. **Birth of Buddha** - The traditional date for the birth of Buddha is 563 BCE or 623 BCE⁵.

2. **III Buddhist Council** - The Third Buddhist council was convened in about 250 BCE⁴⁶⁸.

3. **Kalinga War** - The Kalinga War ended around 261 BCE².

4. **Battle of Narmada** - The exact date is not mentioned, but it occurred during the reign of Pulakeshin II (610-642 CE) and Harshavardhana (c. 590-647 CE).

5. **Battle of Takkolam** - This battle took place in 948–949 CE¹.

Please note that the dates for some events like the Battle of Narmada are not precisely known, but it occurred after the Kalinga War and before the Battle of Takkolam based on the reigns of the involved rulers.


5. 4. 2. 1. 3

very first Buddha was taken birth so 5 is first then Buddhist council and then narmada then takkolam then Kalinga war

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