If A And B Are Two symmetric matrix , which of the following are symmetrical and skew symmetrical - a)A + B. b) A-B. c)AB+BA. d)AB-BA​

Answer :


Given that \( A \) and \( B \) are symmetric matrices, we need to determine which among the given options are symmetric and which are skew-symmetric:

1. **Symmetry of \( A + B \)**:


(A + B)^T = A^T + B^T = A + B


Therefore, \( A + B \) is symmetric.

2. **Skew-symmetry of \( A - B \)**:


(A - B)^T = A^T - B^T = A - B


Therefore, \( A - B \) is skew-symmetric.

3. **Symmetry of \( AB + BA \)** (assuming multiplication is defined):


(AB + BA)^T = (AB)^T + (BA)^T = B^T A^T + A^T B^T = BA + AB


Since \( AB + BA = AB + BA \), \( AB + BA \) is symmetric.

4. **Skew-symmetry of \( AB - BA \)** (assuming multiplication is defined):


(AB - BA)^T = (AB)^T - (BA)^T = B^T A^T - A^T B^T = - (BA - AB)


Therefore, \( AB - BA \) is skew-symmetric.

**Summary of results**:

- \( A + B \) is **symmetric**.

- \( A - B \) is **skew-symmetric**.

- \( AB + BA \) is **symmetric**.

- \( AB - BA \) is **skew-symmetric**.

So, the correct answers are:

a) \( A + B \) (symmetric)

b) \( A - B \) (skew-symmetric)

c) \( AB + BA \) (symmetric)

d) \( AB - BA \) (skew-symmetric)

Answer:For two symmetric matrices A and B, we can determine the symmetry of the given expressions as follows:

a) **A + B**: The sum of two symmetric matrices is always symmetric. So, A + B is symmetric.

b) **A - B**: The difference of two symmetric matrices is also symmetric. So, A - B is symmetric.

c) **AB + BA**: For any two matrices A and B, (AB)' = B'A'. Since A and B are symmetric, A' = A and B' = B. Therefore, (AB)' = BA, and (BA)' = AB. So, AB + BA is the sum of a matrix and its transpose, which makes it symmetric.

d) **AB - BA**: This expression is known as the commutator of A and B. For symmetric matrices, AB - BA is skew-symmetric. This is because (AB - BA)' = B'A' - A'B' = BA - AB = -(AB - BA).

In summary:

- a) A + B is symmetric.

- b) A - B is symmetric.

- c) AB + BA is symmetric.

- d) AB - BA is skew-symmetric.

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