Answer :


Corrosion can be an advantage in certain contexts due to the formation of a protective layer that prevents further degradation. For example, the patina on copper or bronze, and the rust on weathering steel (such as Corten steel), serve as protective barriers against environmental factors, enhancing durability and reducing maintenance needs. Additionally, corrosion can be utilized in controlled environments for beneficial purposes, such as in the controlled degradation of biomedical implants or the intentional oxidation of metals for artistic effects. Thus, while generally viewed negatively, corrosion can offer practical benefits under specific conditions.


corrosion is not always causes disadvantages to us it is also gives advantage in many ways such as :-

1) corrosion resistant layer:- A later of oxide forms on the corrosion- resistant surface. prevent corrosion of the inner metal like coating on zinc or aluminum over taps.

2) Galvanic corrosion:- when two different types of metal are in electrical contact in an electrolyte, the more active metal tends to corrode. like coating of iron with zinc.

Thank you.. hope it will help you

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