A. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers,

1. The phrase "bee-loud glade' suggests __________

a. a glade that is noisy.
b. a glade that is filled with the sound made by bees.
c. a glade that is quiet

2. The poet hopes to find ________ in Innisfree.

a. fairies
b. peace and tranquillity
c. love and friendship

3. In Innisfree, the poet wants to live __________

a. alone in the lap of nature.
b. an active life.
c. a dull life.​

Answer :

Answer:Here are the answers that best fit the context of “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” by W.B. Yeats:

The phrase “bee-loud glade” suggests: b. a glade that is filled with the sound made by bees.

The poet hopes to find b. peace and tranquillity in Innisfree.

In Innisfree, the poet wants to live: a. alone in the lap of nature.

These answers reflect the themes of nature and a desire for a peaceful, solitary life that are present in Yeats’ poem.



A. Answers:

1. b. a glade that is filled with the sound made by bees.

2. b. peace and tranquillity.

3. a. alone in the lap of nature.

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