Selected Response Questions:
we are citizen of no mean country and we are (1) of the land of our birth,of our birth,of our people,our culture and our traditional (2) that pride
We are citizens of no mean country and we are pend
birth, of our birth, of our people, Our culture and our
should not be for a romanticised past to which we have to a
should if encourage exclusiveness or a want of
appreci off
(3) nor
senterabe (4) of other ways
than our own. It must many weaknesses and failing never allow us to S
our many weakness and failing
(6) longing to be rid of them. We
have a long way to go and much leeway to make
take our proper
(7) before we
debate role (8) with others in the van of human civilizati
(9) for the time at our disposal is
and progress. And we have to

Answer :



The passage you provided is a powerful statement about national identity and progress. Here's a breakdown of the selected response options:

**(1) proud**

This is the most fitting word to complete the first blank. It emphasizes a positive feeling of belonging and connection to one's country.

**(2) heritage**

"Heritage" refers to the traditions, customs, and achievements passed down from previous generations. It complements the concept of national pride.


* "glass" doesn't make sense in this context.

* While "pend" might be related to "append" (to add), it's not the right word here.

**(3) intolerant**

"Intolerant" suggests an unwillingness to accept other cultures or ways of life. This contradicts the message of embracing different perspectives.

**(4) resentful**

Similar to "intolerant," "resentful" implies negativity towards other cultures.

**(5) demolish**

"Demolish" means to destroy something completely. While acknowledging weaknesses is important, the goal is to improve, not dismantle.


* "senterabe" is not a real word.

**(6) a**

The indefinite article "a" is appropriate here because it indicates a general feeling of longing, not a specific one.

**(7) assume our**

"Assume" suggests taking something for granted. A better choice is "play our," which implies actively taking part in a role.

**(8) a leading**

"A leading" is grammatically awkward. "In the van of" is a more formal way of saying "at the forefront of," which emphasizes a leading position.

**(9) short**

"Short" implies a limited time frame. "Limited" is more appropriate here as it suggests a constrained window of opportunity.

**(10) squander**

"Squander" means to waste something foolishly. This aligns with the message of needing to make the most of the available time.


* "Twory" is not a real word.

By filling in these blanks with the most suitable words, we get the following powerful message:

> We are citizens of no mean country and we are proud of the land of our birth, of our people, our culture, and our heritage. However, our pride should not be for a romanticized past to which we cling. It must not encourage exclusiveness or a lack of appreciation for other ways than our own. We must acknowledge our many weaknesses and failings, and never allow a longing to be rid of them demolish our efforts to improve. We have a long way to go and much leeway to make up before we can play our proper role in the van of human civilization for the limited time at our disposal, and we cannot afford to squander it.

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