Two times a number and three times another number makes 120. Three times the second number when subtracted from four times the first number gives 78. Find the numbers.​

Answer :


Let's denote the two unknown numbers as \( x \) and \( y \).

According to the problem, we have two equations:

1. Two times the first number and three times the second number makes 120:


2x + 3y = 120


2. Three times the second number subtracted from four times the first number gives 78:


4x - 3y = 78


To find the values of \( x \) and \( y \), we will solve these two simultaneous linear equations.

First, we add the two equations to eliminate \( y \):


2x + 3y = 120 \quad \text{(Equation 1)}



4x - 3y = 78 \quad \text{(Equation 2)}


Adding these equations:


(2x + 3y) + (4x - 3y) = 120 + 78



2x + 4x + 3y - 3y = 198



6x = 198



x = \frac{198}{6}



x = 33


Now, substitute \( x = 33 \) back into one of the original equations to solve for \( y \). We use Equation 1:


2x + 3y = 120



2(33) + 3y = 120



66 + 3y = 120



3y = 120 - 66



3y = 54



y = \frac{54}{3}



y = 18


Thus, the two numbers are:


x = 33



y = 18


### Verification:

- For the first equation: \( 2x + 3y = 2(33) + 3(18) = 66 + 54 = 120 \), which is correct.

- For the second equation: \( 4x - 3y = 4(33) - 3(18) = 132 - 54 = 78 \), which is also correct.

So, the numbers are:


\boxed{33 \text{ and } 18}


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