Answer :


To solve the expression \(237 + 144 + 63 + 54\) by arranging the numbers suitably, we can look for combinations that simplify the calculation.

First, we can rearrange the numbers to pair them in a way that makes addition easier:

\[ 237 + 63 + 144 + 54 \]

Now, let's pair \(237\) with \(63\) and \(144\) with \(54\):

\[ (237 + 63) + (144 + 54) \]

Next, perform the addition within each pair:

\[ 237 + 63 = 300 \]

\[ 144 + 54 = 198 \]

Now, add the results of the pairs together:

\[ 300 + 198 = 498 \]

So, the final result is:

\[ 237 + 144 + 63 + 54 = 498 \]



= 200+100+30+40+60+50+7+3+4

= 300+180+14



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