Answer :


When a pen is rubbed with a cloth, it can cause static electricity to build up on the surface of the pen. This static charge can attract small pieces of paper, causing them to stick to the pen. So, the correct answer is:

Static electricity




The most likely cause for paper to stick to a pen that has been rubbed with a cloth is **static electricity**.


When a pen is rubbed with a cloth, especially if the cloth is made of materials like wool or synthetic fibers, it can build up a static electric charge on its surface. This charge creates an imbalance of electrons, resulting in either a positive or negative charge on the pen.

Similarly, when paper is in contact with the pen, it may also acquire an opposite static charge. Opposite charges attract each other, causing the paper to stick to the pen momentarily.

This phenomenon is commonly observed in everyday situations, such as when you rub a balloon against your hair and then stick it to a wall or when clothes cling together after being removed from the dryer.