
Case base question page number 10 chapter 2 question number 1 how many water should you deliver to a b and C two meet their requirement

Answer :

Step-by-step explanation:

To assist you effectively, I need more details about the specific case-based question you're referring to. However, I’ll provide a general approach to such questions involving the delivery of water to meet requirements for A, B, and C, typically based on some given requirements.

### General Approach to Solve Case-Based Questions Involving Water Delivery

1. **Identify Requirements**: Determine the amount of water required by A, B, and C.

2. **Determine Constraints**: Understand any limitations or constraints given in the question, such as maximum capacity, delivery schedules, or priority rules.

3. **Calculate Delivery**:

- Ensure that the sum of water delivered to A, B, and C meets their total requirement.

- Consider any specific distribution rules if mentioned.

4. **Optimize**: If the problem involves optimization (e.g., minimizing delivery time or cost), apply the appropriate method to find the most efficient distribution.

### Hypothetical Example

**Assume the requirements and scenario are as follows**:

- A needs 50 liters of water.

- B needs 70 liters of water.

- C needs 30 liters of water.

**Total Water Needed**: \( 50 + 70 + 30 = 150 \) liters.

#### To Deliver Water:

- Deliver **50 liters** to A.

- Deliver **70 liters** to B.

- Deliver **30 liters** to C.

#### Steps:

1. **Requirement Identification**:

- A needs 50 liters.

- B needs 70 liters.

- C needs 30 liters.

2. **Constraints**:

- Ensure total delivery doesn’t exceed 150 liters.

- Prioritize if needed (e.g., if B is a higher priority, deliver to B first).

3. **Calculation**:

- Plan to deliver 50 liters to A, 70 liters to B, and 30 liters to C.

4. **Optimization** (if necessary):

- Check if the delivery method (e.g., vehicle or pipeline capacity) can handle the distribution effectively.

### Sample Problem Solution Framework

**Given Data:**

1. **A’s requirement**: 50 liters

2. **B’s requirement**: 70 liters

3. **C’s requirement**: 30 liters

**Objective**: Deliver the exact amounts as needed by each party.


- Deliver **50 liters** to A.

- Deliver **70 liters** to B.

- Deliver **30 liters** to C.

This simplistic approach assumes direct delivery without additional constraints.

If you can provide more context or details about the specific case-based question from the textbook, I can give a more precise and tailored solution.

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