2. Is sustainable development necessary? Why is sustainable development so often associated with protecting the environment? What can I do, as a citizen, for development to be more sustainable? Identify the old things which we use in our daily life which can be transformed into more useful things? (Hint old clothes can be used to make bags)

Answer :


Sustainable development is indeed necessary because it aims to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves economic growth, social inclusion, and environmental protection, ensuring a balanced approach to development.

Sustainable development is often associated with protecting the environment because environmental resources are finite and essential for human well-being. By conserving natural resources, reducing pollution, and mitigating climate change, sustainable development aims to ensure that environmental degradation does not undermine future prosperity.

As a citizen, there are several actions you can take to promote sustainable development:

1. **Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:** Practice the 3Rs to minimize waste and conserve resources.

2. **Support Sustainable Practices:** Choose products and services from companies that prioritize sustainability.

3. **Conserve Energy and Water:** Reduce your energy and water consumption at home and work.

4. **Advocate for Change:** Support policies and initiatives that promote sustainable development in your community and beyond.

Regarding transforming old things into more useful items, here are some examples:

1. **Old Clothes into Bags:** As you mentioned, old clothes can be repurposed into bags, pouches, or quilts.

2. **Glass Bottles into Decor:** Empty glass bottles can be turned into vases, candle holders, or even garden decorations.

3. **Furniture Restoration:** Old wooden furniture can be refurbished and repainted to give it a new lease of life.

4. **Upcycled Crafts:** Use old newspapers or magazines to create paper art or baskets.

5. **Food Waste Composting:** Convert kitchen scraps into compost for gardening.

By embracing these practices, you contribute to sustainable development by reducing waste, conserving resources, and promoting a circular economy where materials are reused and repurposed instead of being discarded.

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