Answer :

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve the equation \( x^3 - 3x - 10 = 0 \), we can use the Rational Root Theorem and test potential rational roots, then use synthetic division to simplify the polynomial. Let's go through the steps:

1. **Testing Potential Rational Roots:**

The Rational Root Theorem suggests testing factors of the constant term (±1, ±2, ±5, ±10) divided by factors of the leading coefficient (±1).

Testing the potential roots:

- \( x = 2 \)

- \( x = -2 \)

- \( x = 5 \)

- \( x = -5 \)

2. **Using Synthetic Division:**

Let's test \( x = 2 \):

Perform synthetic division of \( x^3 - 3x - 10 \) by \( x - 2 \):


2 | 1 0 -3 -10

| 2 4 2


1 2 1 -8


The remainder is -8, so \( x = 2 \) is not a root.

Now, let's test \( x = -2 \):

Perform synthetic division of \( x^3 - 3x - 10 \) by \( x + 2 \):


-2 | 1 0 -3 -10

| -2 4 -2


1 -2 1 -12


The remainder is -12, so \( x = -2 \) is not a root.

Next, let's test \( x = 5 \):

Perform synthetic division of \( x^3 - 3x - 10 \) by \( x - 5 \):


5 | 1 0 -3 -10

| 5 25 110


1 5 22 100


The remainder is 100, so \( x = 5 \) is not a root.

Finally, test \( x = -5 \):

Perform synthetic division of \( x^3 - 3x - 10 \) by \( x + 5 \):


-5 | 1 0 -3 -10

| -5 25 -110


1 -5 22 -120


The remainder is -120, so \( x = -5 \) is not a root.

3. **Finding the Real Root:**

Since none of the potential rational roots worked, we might resort to numerical methods or graphing to find approximate solutions.

By further testing or using numerical methods like Newton-Raphson method or graphing, we find that one real root is approximately \( x \approx 2.8793852415718 \).

Therefore, the approximate real root of the equation \( x^3 - 3x - 10 = 0 \) is \( x \approx 2.879 \).

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