Answer :

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's denote the number of mangoes Anil ate as \( x \).

According to the problem:

- Anil sold 40% more mangoes than he ate. This means he sold \( x + 0.4x = 1.4x \) mangoes.

- It's also given that he sold 70 mangoes.

So, we set up the equation:

\[ 1.4x = 70 \]

To find \( x \), divide both sides by 1.4:

\[ x = \frac{70}{1.4} \]

\[ x = 50 \]

Therefore, Anil ate \( \boxed{50} \) mangoes.


- Anil sold 40% more than he ate, which is \( 1.4 \times 50 = 70 \).

- He indeed sold 70 mangoes, which matches the given information in the problem statement.

Thus, the solution is consistent and correct. Anil ate \( \boxed{50} \) mangoes.



Step-by-step explanation:

ATQ, number of apples Anil sold = 40% more than number of apples Anil ate

i.e., number of apples Anil sold = number of apples Anil ate + 40% of number of apples Anil ate

Let x = number of apples Anil ate.

Thus, number of apples Anil sold = x+40/100*x = 140/100*x

i.e., 70=140/100*x

thus, x=70/140*100
