Answer :


The forest laws had a significant negative impact on tribal life. Tribals were often forced out of their homes as the government claimed ownership of the land. Additionally, these lands were sometimes given to zamindars for cultivation, and tribals were compelled to work for them. The laws also prohibited tribals from gathering wood, fruits, hunting, and practicing shifting cultivation, leading to loss of livelihood, poverty, and hunger. Many tribals had to leave the forests and move to other regions in search of work and sustenance


Many forests which supplied valuable timber were declared as reserved forests by the British. The tribals were not allowed to collect wood, fruits, hunt and practice shifting cultivation in these forests. This resulted in the loss of livelihood, poverty and hunger among the tribals. Many tribals moved out of the forests to other regions in search of work and to earn a livelihood. People who remained in the forests revolted against the unjust forest laws of the government.

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