The average speed of a bus is three-fifth of the average speed of a car which covers 3250 km
in 65 h, What is the average speed of the bus ?
(A) 30 km/h(B) 20 km/h
(D) 36 km/h
(c) 35 km/h

Answer :


Average Speed of Car = 3250/ 65 = 50 kmph

Average Speed of Bus = 3 /5 × 50 = 30 kmph...


Step-by-step explanation:

Let the average speed of the bus be \( x \) km/h.


- Average speed of the car = \( \frac{3250 \text{ km}}{65 \text{ h}} = 50 \text{ km/h} \)

- Average speed of the bus = \( \frac{3}{5} \times 50 \text{ km/h} = 30 \text{ km/h} \)

Therefore, the average speed of the bus is \( \boxed{30 \text{ km/h}} \).

To verify:

- Average speed of the car = \( 50 \text{ km/h} \)

- Average speed of the bus = \( \frac{3}{5} \times 50 = 30 \text{ km/h} \)

Hence, the calculation confirms that the average speed of the bus is \( \boxed{30 \text{ km/h}} \).

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