Answer :


Once upon a time, in a small, close-knit village, everyone knew each other well. They shared the same customs, beliefs, and traditions. Life was peaceful and predictable.

One day, a stranger arrived in the village. He looked different, spoke differently, and had unfamiliar customs. The villagers were curious but also a bit wary of him. They didn't understand his ways, and he didn't understand theirs.

The stranger tried to fit in and be friendly, but the villagers couldn't see past their differences. They kept their distance and whispered among themselves. They wondered why he was there and what he wanted.

Over time, the villagers noticed that the stranger was kind, honest, and hardworking. He helped anyone who needed it, even though they were initially unkind to him. Slowly, they began to accept him. They realized that despite their differences, the stranger was just like them in many ways.

In the end, the villagers learned an important lesson: it's okay to be different. They understood that everyone, no matter where they come from, has something valuable to offer. The stranger, once feared and misunderstood, became a beloved member of the village, showing that kindness and acceptance can bridge any gap.

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