Answer :


Teaching exercises as a new senior hire typically involves guiding others in performing tasks or activities related to their job or role. Here’s a structured approach you might take:

1. **Prepare**: Understand the exercises thoroughly yourself. This includes knowing the purpose, benefits, and correct execution of each exercise.

2. **Plan**: Create a lesson plan or outline that includes:

- Introduction: Explain the importance and objectives of the exercises.

- Demonstration: Show how each exercise is done correctly.

- Practice: Allow participants to try the exercises while providing feedback.

- Q&A: Address any questions or concerns participants may have.

3. **Engage**: Keep participants engaged by making the session interactive. Encourage questions and discussions.

4. **Adapt**: Be flexible and ready to adapt based on the participants' understanding and feedback.

5. **Evaluate**: Assess the effectiveness of the session and gather feedback to improve future teaching sessions.

6. **Follow Up**: Provide additional resources or support to reinforce learning.

Remember, clarity, patience, and empathy are essential in teaching exercises effectively, especially as a new senior hire.

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