Answer :



Step-by-step explanation:

The given equation is (3/5)^6 * (3/5)^12 = (3/5)^7m+4

the base are same and so we can add power,

(3/5)^18 = (3/5)^7m+4.

18 = 7m + 4. [base are same on both side]

7m + 4 = 18

7m = 18-4

7m = 14

m = 14/7

m= 2

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according to exponential law,

Step-by-step explanation:

3/5^6 *3/5^12= 3/5^7m+4

so a^m *a^n = a^m+n

» 6+12= 7m+4

→ 18= 7m+4

→18-4 = 7m

→14= 7m

» m= 14/7


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