Answer :


In the given problem statement, we have two similar triangles AABC and ADBC with the ratio of their corresponding sides as 3:2.

If CD = 7 cm, then we need to find the length of side AB.

To find AB, we can use the ratio of corresponding sides in similar triangles.

Given that the ratio of the corresponding sides of triangles AABC and ADBC is 3:2, we know that AB/AD = BC/DC = AC/DB = 3/2.

We are given that CD = 7 cm. Since AB/AD = 3/2, we can set up a proportion to find AB:

AB/7 = 3/2

Cross multiplying, we get:

2AB = 7 * 3

2AB = 21

Dividing by 2 on both sides, we find:

AB = 10.5 cm

Therefore, the length of side AB is 10.5 cm.

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