F 5-22T 1 K. Read the story again. How would you describe Tenali Raman? Write a paragraph about him You may choose appropriate words from this list. jester witty selfish wise foolish thoughtful nature lover lazy​

Answer :


Everyone agreed that Raman of Tenali was very clever. As a boy, he exasperated people with his mischief as much as he impressed them with his intelligence. As jester in the court of King Krishna Devaraya, Tenali continued to etertain and annoy the king and courtiers in equal measure.Answer: Yes no doubt Tenaliraman was very thoughtful. Tenaliraman solve many clashes with his super brain. He did service under Hindu king Raja Krishndevraay from South India .Tenali Rama was a very smart man. Yes, he was lazy, but that quality of his never held him back.