In a school, the total number
students in 10 A div is equal to the
total number of students in 10 B. One
student is to be selected from.
each division. Number of boys in
10 A is 20. The probability of selec-
ting a boy from 10 A is 2/5 and
that of from 10 B is 3/5 what is the probability of both being boys

Answer :


In simpler terms, there are two divisions in the school, 10 A and 10 B, with an equal number of students in each division. From 10 A, the number of boys is 20 out of the total number of students. The probability of selecting a boy from 10 A is 2/5. Similarly, the probability of selecting a boy from 10 B is 3/5.

To find the probability of both students being boys, we can multiply the probabilities of selecting a boy from each division together:

Probability of selecting a boy from 10 A = 2/5

Probability of selecting a boy from 10 B = 3/5

Probability of both being boys = Probability of selecting a boy from 10 A * Probability of selecting a boy from 10 B

                                            = (2/5) * (3/5)

                                            = 6/25

Therefore, the probability of both students being boys is 6/25.

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