Answer :


a² = 45 - 20√5.

Step-by-step explanation:

To find a², we need to square the expression for a:

a = 5 - 2√5

a² = (5 - 2√5)²

Expanding the square, we get:

a² = (5 - 2√5)(5 - 2√5)

= 25 - 4√5(5) + 4(5)

= 25 - 20√5 + 20

= 45 - 20√5

So, a² = 45 - 20√5.


Step-by-step explanation:Let's start by expressing \( a \) in a form that allows us to find \( a^2 \). Given:

\[ a = 5 - 2\sqrt{5} \]

We need to find \( a^2 \). To do this, we'll square both sides of the equation:

\[ a^2 = (5 - 2\sqrt{5})^2 \]

Now, let's expand the right side of the equation using the formula \((x - y)^2 = x^2 - 2xy + y^2\):

\[ (5 - 2\sqrt{5})^2 = 5^2 - 2 \cdot 5 \cdot 2\sqrt{5} + (2\sqrt{5})^2 \]

Calculate each term separately:

\[ 5^2 = 25 \]

\[ 2 \cdot 5 \cdot 2\sqrt{5} = 20\sqrt{5} \]

\[ (2\sqrt{5})^2 = 4 \cdot 5 = 20 \]

Putting it all together:

\[ (5 - 2\sqrt{5})^2 = 25 - 20\sqrt{5} + 20 \]

Combine the constant terms:

\[ 25 + 20 = 45 \]

Thus, we have:

\[ a^2 = 45 - 20\sqrt{5} \]

Therefore, the value of \( a^2 \) is:

\[ a^2 = 45 - 20\sqrt{5} \]

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