Answer :


Starting your JEE preparation from Class 9 is a great initiative! Here are some steps you can follow:

Understand the JEE Syllabus: Familiarize yourself with the syllabus of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics for JEE. It overlaps significantly with the CBSE syllabus, so you’ll have a head start.

Build Strong Fundamentals: Focus on clearing your concepts in all three subjects. NCERT books are great for this.

Practice Regularly: Solve problems regularly to strengthen your application skills.

Time Management: Learn to manage your time effectively between school studies and JEE preparation.

Coaching Classes: Consider joining a coaching class if you feel the need for guided preparation.

Self-Study: Dedicate a few hours every day to self-study beyond school work.

Mock Tests: Once you have a good grasp of the concepts, start taking mock tests to get used to the exam pattern.

Remember, consistency is key! Would you like more detailed information on any of these points?


first your basic should be strong enough so concentrate on your 9th studies because if your basic is strong then you can easily Crack jee

Take goo marks in 9th as well as in 10th prepare well for your 10 exam because half of its syllabus is on 10th class

so here is the age your basic should is very strong to face jee exam

after 10th take online class on YouTube about jee in free don't wast any money before you pass 12th class

and make your foundation strong

Practice very well. All the best from my side

if you understand than please like me and give me 5 star rating pls

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