Q.3 Taking the information given below, develop it into a paragraph (100-150 words).You
can invent your own details.
Hints: Bismillah learnt from uncle Ali - Vishnu temple of Benaras- Balaji and Mangla
Mauya temple on Ganga - favourite places for Bismillah - selected for Ali India Radio (
1938)-honour of Playing shehnai on 15th August 1994-' Gung Uthi Shehnai' film- songs
famous-performed in USA, Canada etc. - fond of Benaras- symbol of india's composite
culture-Awarded Bharat Ratan in 2001

Answer :

One day Bismillah went to visit his uncle, Ali Bux to inquire about his health as he wasn't keeping well. After catching up with his uncle they started talking about random topics to which Bismillah was educated on the Vishnu temple of Benaras and the Balaji and Mangala maiya temples on the banks of the river Ganga.
Bismillah went the following year and visited these beautiful temples and since that day it has been his favourite places to visit. He decided that this place is perfect to organise a musical event for The all India Radio and decided to play the shehnai to honour 15th of August 1947.
He even played for the famous Gunjuthi Shehnai film. The songs became so famous that he was asked to travel and perform in the USA And Canada. He soon became the pride and joy of Benaras.

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