Answer :

Step-by-step explanation:

The given information seems a bit fragmented. It looks like you might be trying to convey some mathematical expressions or a problem involving equations. Let's try to piece together what might be missing.

Let's assume you want to solve or simplify expressions involving \(2\) and \(3x\) and there is a number \(75.22\) in the context. Also, "shubh is" might be referring to a conclusion or a result.

Here's a possible interpretation and solution based on common types of math problems:

### Problem Interpretation

1. We might need to find the values of \(2\) and \(3x\).

2. \(75.22\) could be a given value that the expressions relate to.

3. "shubh is" might be asking for the sum or the product or some other relationship.

### Possible Scenarios

#### Scenario 1: Solving for \(x\)

If the problem is to find the value of \(x\) such that \(3x = 75.22\), we can solve for \(x\):

\[ 3x = 75.22 \]

\[ x = \frac{75.22}{3} \]

\[ x = 25.0733 \]

#### Scenario 2: Evaluating Expressions

If we need to evaluate the expressions \(2\) and \(3x\) with \(x = 25.0733\):

1. The value of \(2\) remains \(2\).

2. The value of \(3x\) is:

\[ 3 \times 25.0733 = 75.22 \]

### Conclusion

"Shubh is" could be referring to the fact that \(3x = 75.22\) when \(x = 25.0733\).

### Final Answer

- If you are looking to solve for \(x\), the answer is \(x = 25.0733\).

- If you are evaluating the expressions:

- The value of \(2\) is \(2\).

- The value of \(3x\) is \(75.22\) when \(x = 25.0733\).

Please let me know if there is more context or a different interpretation you have in mind!


2 and 3x

75.22 so we have to solve this question



our answer is 699.

Step-by-step explanation:

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