Answer :

Here are the definitions for each terms:

a. Crops: Cultivated plants grown on a large scale for food, fiber, fuel, or other agricultural purposes.

b. Balanced Diet: A diet that contains the appropriate proportions of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water necessary to maintain good health and proper functioning of the body.

c. Ecosystem: A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment, functioning as a system.

d. Skeleton: The internal framework of bones and cartilage in a body that provides structure, support, and protection to the organism.

e. Reflex Action: An involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus, controlled by the nervous system.

f. First Aid Kit: A collection of supplies and equipment used to provide initial medical treatment in case of injuries or emergencies.

g. Metamorphic Rocks: Rocks that have been transformed by heat, pressure, or chemically active fluids from pre-existing rocks (igneous, sedimentary, or other metamorphic rocks).

h. Vaporization: The process by which a liquid or solid changes into a gas or vapor, typically through evaporation or boiling.



crops = cultivated grown on a large scale for food, fiber , fuel or other

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