फाइंड द वैल्यू ऑफ़ पी - 2 अंडर रूट 3 ब्रैकेट क्लोज इफ पी ब्रैकेट ओपन ए इस इक्वल टू ब्रैकेट ओपन अंडर रूट 3 ई स्क्वेयर - 3 ए + ए अंडर रूट 3 ब्रैकेट क्लोज​

Answer :


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To find the value of \( P \) in the expression \( \sqrt{2 + \sqrt{3}} = \sqrt{3} + \sqrt{3 - a + a\sqrt{3}} \), we proceed as follows:

Let's equate the given expression with \( P \):

\[ \sqrt{2 + \sqrt{3}} = \sqrt{3} + \sqrt{3 - a + a\sqrt{3}} \]

To solve for \( a \), we'll square both sides to eliminate the square roots:

\[ 2 + \sqrt{3} = (\sqrt{3} + \sqrt{3 - a + a\sqrt{3}})^2 \]

Expand the right-hand side:

\[ (\sqrt{3} + \sqrt{3 - a + a\sqrt{3}})^2 = 3 + 3 - a + a\sqrt{3} + 2\sqrt{3(3 - a + a\sqrt{3})} \]

Now, equate both sides and simplify to find \( a \). After solving the resulting equation, you can substitute the value of \( a \) back into the expression for \( P \):

\[ P = \sqrt{3} + \sqrt{3 - a + a\sqrt{3}} \]

This process involves algebraic manipulation and solving equ

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