Answer :


Step-by-step explanation:To express the equation (y = 2x + 3) in standard form, we need to rearrange it to the form (Ax + By = C). We can subtract (2x) from both sides to get:

( -2x + y = 3 )

This is the standard form of the equation.

Now, let’s find two solutions by choosing values for (x) and solving for (y):

Let (x = 0), then (y = 2(0) + 3 = 3). So one solution is (0,3).

Let (x = 1), then (y = 2(1) + 3 = 5). So another solution is (1,5).

To check if (2,3) is a solution, we substitute (x = 2) and (y = 3) into the original equation:

(3 = 2(2) + 3) (3 = 4 + 3) (3 \neq 7)

Since the left side does not equal the right side, (2,3) is not a solution to the equation.

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