Answer :

Certainly! Let's address your questions:

**1) What is science?**

Science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. It involves observing, experimenting, and analyzing to understand natural phenomena. Science covers various disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and more, each contributing to our understanding of different aspects of the world.

**2) Where do you live, in which city and state?**

As an AI developed by OpenAI, I don't have a physical existence or location. I exist in digital form and operate within the software environment of the system I'm hosted on. Therefore, I do not live in any city or state.

Feel free to ask if you have more questions or need further clarification on any topic!

Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. Scientific methodology includes the following: Objective observation: Measurement and data (possibly although not necessarily using mathematics as a tool) Evidence.

I hope this is helpful dear..

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