LBC D is a p (e) The even numbers greater than 30 are 32 and (The even numbers less than 25 are 22 and (g) The odd number that follows the third number is (h) The odd number that follows the seventh number is (0) The even number just before the fifth number is The even number just after the thirteenth number Pick () the correct word. and D ogram Ab​

Answer :


Step-by-step explanation:

It appears that you have provided a series of statements that involve identifying and categorizing even and odd numbers, followed by picking the correct word. Let's work through the statements step by step:

The even numbers greater than 30 are 32 and ...

Even numbers greater than 30 are 32, 34, 36, 38, etc.

The next even number after 32 is 34.

The even numbers less than 25 are 22 and ...

Even numbers less than 25 are 24, 22, 20, 18, etc.

The next even number after 22 is 20.

The odd number that follows the third number is ...

We need to determine what the "third number" is first.

Let's assume the sequence includes both even and odd numbers starting from 1.

Third number in a typical sequence: 3 (assuming the sequence 1, 2, 3).

The odd number following 3 is 5.

The odd number that follows the seventh number is ...

We need to determine what the "seventh number" is first.

Let's assume the sequence includes both even and odd numbers starting from 1.

Seventh number in a typical sequence: 7 (assuming the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).

The odd number following 7 is 9.

The even number just before the fifth number is ...

We need to determine what the "fifth number" is first.

Let's assume the sequence includes both even and odd numbers starting from 1.

Fifth number in a typical sequence: 5 (assuming the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

The even number just before 5 is 4.

The even number just after the thirteenth number is ...

We need to determine what the "thirteenth number" is first.

Let's assume the sequence includes both even and odd numbers starting from 1.

Thirteenth number in a typical sequence: 13 (assuming the sequence 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13).

The even number just after 13 is 14.

Finally, Pick the correct word. and D ogram Ab

It seems there might be a typo or missing context here. However, based on the context, it seems like a word game or a puzzle. Since there isn't enough clear context for the final part, we can summarize the correct sequence of numbers and details:

Even numbers greater than 30: 32, 34

Even numbers less than 25: 22, 20

Odd number after the third number: 5

Odd number after the seventh number: 9

Even number before the fifth number: 4

Even number after the thirteenth number: 14