how can we say that rights mentioned in declaration of rights of men and citizen were the basis of fundamental rights of India?​

Answer :

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, adopted during the French Revolution in 1789, laid down fundamental rights that became influential globally, including in the framing of fundamental rights in India. Here’s how we can establish that the rights mentioned in the Declaration were the basis of fundamental rights in India:

1. **Influence on Modern Concepts of Rights:** The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen proclaimed principles such as liberty, equality, and fraternity. These ideals resonated globally and contributed to the development of modern concepts of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

2. **Influence on Constitutional Frameworks:** The fundamental rights guaranteed in the Indian Constitution draw inspiration from various sources, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. The principles of equality before law, freedom of speech and expression, and right to life and personal liberty, which are core to the Indian Constitution, reflect the ideals enshrined in the French Declaration.

3. **Historical Context:** During the process of drafting the Indian Constitution, the Constituent Assembly members studied various international declarations and constitutional frameworks to draft a comprehensive set of fundamental rights. The French Declaration’s emphasis on individual rights and freedoms significantly influenced the framers of the Indian Constitution.

4. **Direct References:** While the Indian Constitution does not explicitly mention the French Declaration, its principles are reflected in the preamble and various articles that outline fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy. These rights are designed to ensure justice, equality, and liberty for all citizens, aligning closely with the spirit of the French Declaration.

5. **Legal Precedence and Jurisprudence:** Over the years, Indian courts have referred to international declarations and conventions, including those reflecting principles from the French Declaration, in interpreting and adjudicating cases related to fundamental rights. This underscores the enduring influence of these foundational documents on India’s legal and constitutional framework.

In summary, the rights articulated in the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen served as a significant influence on the development of fundamental rights in India. While the Indian Constitution draws from various sources and adapts these principles to its unique socio-cultural context, the foundational principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity championed by the French Declaration are reflected in India’s commitment to protecting and promoting fundamental rights for its citizens.


The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (French: Déclaration des droits de l'Homme et du citoyen de 1789), set by France's National Constituent Assembly in 1789, is a human civil rights document from the French Revolution.[1] Inspired by Enlightenment philosophers, the Declaration was a core statement of the values of the French Revolution and had a significant impact on the development of popular conceptions of individual liberty and democracy in Europe and worldwide.[2]

The Declaration was initially drafted by Marquis de Lafayette, with assistance from Thomas Jefferson, but the majority of the final draft came from Abbé Sieyès.[3] Influenced by the doctrine of natural right, human rights are held to be universal: valid at all times and in every place. It became the basis for a nation of free individuals protected equally by the law. It is included at the beginning of the constitutions of both the Fourth French Republic (1946) and Fifth Republic (1958), and is considered valid as constitutional law.

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