Answer :

Step-by-step explanation:

We know that 4/5 of the students are boys, which means that 1/5 of the students are girls. We also know that the number of girls is 100. Therefore, the total number of students in the school is 500. Therefore, there are 400 boys in the school.



number of boy is 400

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that 4/5 of the students in a school are boys and the number of girls is 100, we need to find the number of boys.

First, let \( T \) represent the total number of students in the school. Since the number of girls is 100, and the girls make up \( 1 - \frac{4}{5} = \frac{1}{5} \) of the total number of students, we have:


\frac{1}{5} T = 100


To find \( T \), we solve for \( T \):


T = 100 \times 5 = 500


Now, we know the total number of students is 500. Since 4/5 of the students are boys, we can find the number of boys by calculating:


\frac{4}{5} T = \frac{4}{5} \times 500 = 400


Therefore, the number of boys is 400.

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