(i) What do the people think about the world?
a) They think that the world is a beautiful place to live in.
b) They think that the world would never perish.
c) They think the world will be destroyed by floods.
d) They think that the world will be destroyed by fire and ice.

Answer :


option d


d) They think that the world will be destroyed by fire and ice.

This answer aligns with the themes found in literature, such as Robert Frost's famous poem "Fire and Ice," which speculates on the end of the world through either fire or ice. It reflects a dual perspective on the potential destruction of the world, encompassing both the ideas of global warming (fire) and another ice age (ice).



Option (a) highlights optimism and appreciation for the world's beauty, fostering a positive mindset.

Option (b) introduces the concept of endurance or permanence, reflecting confidence or faith in the world's longevity.

Options (c) and (d) delve into apocalyptic scenarios, where floods or elemental destruction symbolize fears or warnings about the world's vulnerability.

so, d) They think that the world will be destroyed by fire and ice.

is the correct answer of this question.

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