Create a 'Wanted' poster announcing a reward for capturing a bandit or robber. The poster must contain these details.
The description of the bandit or robber
The reward amount
Name of the authority/person who has announced the reward

Answer :


Hopefully it helps you please make me BRAINILINST please



**Capture the Bandit!**


- Name: Unknown (Alias: The Shadow)

- Age: Approximately 30-35 years

- Height: 6 feet tall

- Build: Medium

- Features: Scar across left cheek

- Last Seen: Riding a black horse, armed with a revolver


- $10,000 in gold coins for the capture of the bandit alive

**Announced by:**

- Sheriff Matthew J. Parker

**Contact the Sheriff's Office for any information leading to the capture of this dangerous criminal.**

![Image of a bandit](image-url-if-available)

**Wanted for robbery, assault, and evasion of the law. Approach with caution.**

**Sheriff's Office Contact Information:**

- Address: 123 Main Street, Frontier Town

- Phone: (555) 123-4567

step by step


  • Describe the appearance and traits of the characters using concise and persuasive language. Attention to Detail: Wanted posters require careful attention to detail. Be observant and include specific physical descriptions, aliases, rewards, and other important info.

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