A car covers a distance of 128.25km in 9.5 hours. Find distances covered by car in 1 hour. If 0.8 liters of petrol is consumed to cover 1 km distance how much petrol will be required for the above ride.

Answer :


Step-by-step explanation:

Certainly! Here's the information in a format that you can copy and paste into a PDF or any text editor:


**Part 1: Distance covered per hour**


- Distance covered by the car: 128.25 km

- Time taken: 9.5 hours

To find the distance covered per hour, use the formula for average speed:

\[ \text{Average speed} = \frac{\text{Total distance}}{\text{Total time}} \]

\[ \text{Average speed} = \frac{128.25 \text{ km}}{9.5 \text{ hours}} \]

\[ \text{Average speed} = 13.5 \text{ km/h} \]

Therefore, the distance covered by the car in 1 hour is **13.5 km**.


**Part 2: Petrol consumption**


- Petrol consumption rate: 0.8 liters per km

- Distance covered: 128.25 km

To find the total petrol required for the ride, multiply the distance covered by the petrol consumption rate:

\[ \text{Petrol required} = \text{Distance} \times \text{Petrol consumption rate} \]

\[ \text{Petrol required} = 128.25 \text{ km} \times 0.8 \text{ liters/km} \]

\[ \text{Petrol required} = 102.6 \text{ liters} \]

Therefore, the amount of petrol required for the ride is **102.6 liters**.


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