Make use of the following hints to write a story in about 120 words. Feel free to invent all the necessary details like the setting, characters, events and dialogues. Do give your story a suitable title.
Sandy - a 21 year old boy - suspected to have contracted Corona Virus - taken to hospital - tested-isolated - test report awaited - committed suicide at night - in the hospital - test report came out to be negative-parents lost their only son​

Answer :


**A Tragic Turn**

Sandy, a vibrant 21-year-old, was rushed to the hospital with a high fever and cough. Suspected of contracting the coronavirus, he was swiftly tested and isolated. The long hours in solitude wore heavily on him, fear gnawing at his mind. As night fell, the oppressive silence became too much to bear.

Despite assurances from the medical staff that his results were pending, Sandy's anxiety overwhelmed him. In the early hours, he took his own life, unable to withstand the mental torment.

The next morning, the test report arrived: negative. Sandy’s parents, devastated, received the news that their beloved only son had died needlessly. The hospital echoed with their grief, a poignant reminder of the silent battles waged within.

Title: The Tragic End

Sandy was a 21-year-old boy living a carefree life until one day, he started showing symptoms of what seemed like the dreaded Corona Virus. Concerned, his family rushed him to the hospital where he was tested and isolated while waiting for his results.

As the hours turned into days, Sandy grew increasingly anxious about his fate. Unable to bear the uncertainty, he made a heartbreaking decision. In the dead of night, when everyone was fast asleep, Sandy took his own life inside the hospital room.

The next morning, the test report came back negative, leaving Sandy's parents devastated. They couldn't comprehend how their only son could have reached such a tragic end. The guilt and sorrow weighed heavily on their hearts as they mourned the loss of their beloved child.

The hospital staff was also in shock, unable to understand how someone so young and full of life could succumb to despair in such a drastic manner. Sandy's tragic end served as a stark reminder of the mental toll that the fear of the unknown can take on a person.

In the end, Sandy's untimely death left a void that could never be filled, a painful reminder of the fragility of life and the devastating consequences of unchecked anxiety and despair.

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