Answer :


**How My Friend Helped Me**

Once upon a time, I had a problem at school that I didn't know how to solve. It was a math problem that seemed really tricky to me. I felt worried and didn't know what to do. But then, my friend came to help me.

My friend is always kind and helpful. When she saw me struggling, she came over and asked what was wrong. I showed her the math problem, and she patiently explained it to me step by step. She used colorful markers to make it easier for me to understand. Her explanations were so clear that I started to feel more confident.

Not only did she help me with the math problem, but she also encouraged me. She told me that everyone finds some things hard sometimes, but with a little help and practice, we can figure it out together. Her words made me feel better and less scared of making mistakes.

After she helped me understand the problem, we solved a few more problems together. She cheered for me every time I got an answer right. It made me feel happy and proud of myself.

I am really lucky to have such a helpful friend. She showed me that it's okay to ask for help and that friends are there to support each other. I learned that helping others and being kind can make a big difference in someone's day. I am grateful for my friend's help, and I know I can always count on her whenever I need it.

In conclusion, my friend's kindness and patience helped me overcome a challenge at school. She taught me that friendship means being there for each other and cheering each other on. I am thankful for her friendship and all the ways she has helped me grow.


## The Best Playground Buddy

School can be a lot of fun, but sometimes it can be scary too, especially when you're new or there's something you don't understand. That's where friends come in, and my friend [Friend's Name] is the absolute best!

[Friend's Name] always makes me feel welcome at school. During playtime, they show me all the cool games everyone plays. They even helped me learn the rules so I could join in. Remember that time we were stuck on the monkey bars? [Friend's Name] patiently showed me how to swing and let go, and now I can do it all by myself!

Learning can be tricky sometimes, but [Friend's Name] is always there to help. If I miss something in class, they explain it to me in a way that's easy to understand. We even test each other on our spelling words – it makes studying way more fun!

Most importantly, [Friend's Name] makes me laugh. Even when things are tough, they know how to cheer me up. We share silly jokes and make up funny stories together. School feels like a giant adventure when you have a friend by your side.

Thanks to [Friend's Name], school is a place where I feel happy, safe, and ready to learn new things. I'm so lucky to have such a helpful and fun friend!

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