Complete the word ladder with the help of the hints given

1. A red-coloured root
Add two letters.

2. A plate on which
food is eaten.
Change one letter.

3. A small amount of something
like seasoning for food.
Take away two letters, then
add one.

4. To cut with big,
sweping strokes.
Change one letter.

5. To splash a liquid about.
Take away the last
letter,then add two.

6. A very or very messy or
slovenly person.
Change one letter.

7. A large,flat,often thick
piece of something.
Change one letter.

8. To wound or pierce with
a point weapon.
Take away two letters.

9. A place to keep
Add one letter.

10. A piece of furniture at
which you eat meals.
Take away four letters.

Answer :


1. Beet

2. Plate (Change "a" to "i")

3. Dash (Remove "in", add "h")

4. Hack (Change "s" to "c")

5. Splat (Remove "s", add "la")

6. Slob (Change "v" to "b")

7. Slab (Change "f" to "l")

8. Stab (Remove "ou")

9. Stable (Add "l")

10. Table (Remove "chair")


1 Raddish

2 Banana leaf


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