Answer :


Wood's Despatch, also known as the Magna Carta of English education in India, was a significant document that laid down important recommendations for the reform and development of education in British India. Here are two major recommendations from Wood's Despatch:

1. **Establishment of a Systematic Education System**: Wood's Despatch recommended the establishment of a systematic educational system based on the British model. It advocated for the creation of a hierarchy of schools from primary to university level. The despatch emphasized the importance of providing education to all sections of society, irrespective of caste, creed, or social status.

2. **Role of Government in Education**: The despatch emphasized the role of the government in the promotion and supervision of education. It recommended that the government should take responsibility for funding and managing educational institutions. This laid the foundation for the state's involvement in education, which continues to be a cornerstone of educational policy in India.

These recommendations from Wood's Despatch played a crucial role in shaping the development of education in colonial India, influencing subsequent policies and reforms in the field of education.

Working on the recommendations of wood's despatch, the british introduced several changes in the Indian's educational policies such as:

  • Education departments were set up to control all matters concerning education
  • Important changes were brought within the system of school education to make it more organised
  • Important measures were taken to establish a system of university education

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