Q.5. The following paragraphs have not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify the error and write its correction against the correct blank numbers

Passage Incorrect Correct

Facebook, without
more then 1 Billion
users 6_______ ____

Is celebrated its
10th birthday this
year. 6_______ ____

The company was
launching by Mark. 6_______ ____

Zuckerberg at 4th
February 2004. The
site was. 6_______ ____

Conceived in a
Harvard dorm
in a way. 6_______ _____

To connect student
and let them build
am. 6_______ _____
Identity for himself online

Answer :

Facebook with more than 1 billion users celebreated it's 10th birthday this year.The company was launched by Mark Zuckerberg on 4th February 2004. The site was conceived in Harvard dorm in such a way to connect students and let them build and identify for himself online


✨hope it will help

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