Answer :




A common substance used to cure the discomfort caused by indigestion due to overeating is an **antacid**. One well-known example of an antacid is **sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)**.

### Explanation of Sodium Bicarbonate as an Antacid:

1. **Mechanism of Action**:

- Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes stomach acid (hydrochloric acid, HCl) through a chemical reaction:


\text{NaHCO}_3 + \text{HCl} \rightarrow \text{NaCl} + \text{H}_2\text{O} + \text{CO}_2


- This reaction produces salt (sodium chloride), water, and carbon dioxide gas, which helps to reduce the acidity in the stomach and relieve discomfort.

2. **Advantages**:

- **Quick Relief**: Sodium bicarbonate acts quickly to neutralize stomach acid, providing rapid relief from indigestion.

- **Accessibility**: It is widely available and can be found in most households as a common baking ingredient.

- **Cost-effective**: It is inexpensive compared to many over-the-counter medications.

3. **Precautions**:

- **Overuse**: Frequent use of sodium bicarbonate can lead to an imbalance in the body's acid-base balance, causing alkalosis.

- **Sodium Content**: High sodium intake can be a concern for individuals with hypertension or cardiovascular diseases.

- **Side Effects**: The production of carbon dioxide gas can cause bloating and belching.

### Conclusion:

Sodium bicarbonate is an effective and quick remedy for indigestion caused by overeating, but it should be used in moderation and with caution, especially for individuals with certain health conditions. For persistent or severe indigestion, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional.


Baking soda or Milk of magnesia can be used to cure the discomfort caused by the indigestion.


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