Imagine yourself and your friend as marine animals and create a comic strip keeping in mind the human interventions in the water bodies please answer me correct answer​

Answer :



Sure! Here’s a description of a comic strip featuring two marine animals dealing with human interventions in their habitat.

Comic Strip: "Oceans of Trouble"

Panel 1:

Setting: A vibrant coral reef teeming with marine life.

Characters: A friendly dolphin (you) and a curious sea turtle (your friend).

Dolphin: "Hey, look at all the beautiful coral today!"

Sea Turtle: "Yeah, it's such a lovely place to live!"

Panel 2:

Setting: The same reef, but now with plastic debris floating around.

Dolphin: "Wait, what's all this trash doing here?"

Sea Turtle: "Humans must be dumping their waste into the ocean again."

Panel 3:

Setting: The dolphin and sea turtle swimming through murky water, avoiding an oil spill.

Dolphin: "Ugh, this water is so oily and disgusting!"

Sea Turtle: "This must be from that oil spill we heard about. It's hurting our home."

Panel 4:

Setting: A fishing net entangles some of the coral.

Dolphin: "Watch out! That fishing net is dangerous!"

Sea Turtle: "We need to help our friends who are trapped!"

Panel 5:

Setting: The dolphin and sea turtle helping other marine animals escape from the net.

Dolphin: "There, you're free now!"

Sea Turtle: "We have to keep fighting to protect our ocean."

Panel 6:

Setting: The dolphin and sea turtle looking determinedly at a group of humans on a boat.

Dolphin: "If only humans knew how much they’re harming our world."

Sea Turtle: "We need to find a way to make them understand."

Panel 7:

Setting: The dolphin and sea turtle rally other marine animals to clean up the reef.

Dolphin: "Let's show the humans that we care for our home!"

Sea Turtle: "Maybe then they'll realize the importance of keeping it clean."

Panel 8:

Setting: A human diver sees the marine animals cleaning and signals to the boat to stop dumping waste.

Human Diver: "Look at them! We should be helping, not hurting."

Captain: "You're right. Let's clean up our act."

Panel 9:

Setting: The reef, now cleaner, with humans and marine animals working together.

Dolphin: "It’s a start, but we have a long way to go."

Sea Turtle: "Together, we can make a difference."

Panel 10:

Setting: The dolphin and sea turtle swimming into the sunset.

Dolphin: "I’m glad we’re friends, no matter what."

Sea Turtle: "Me too. Let’s keep protecting our ocean."

This comic strip portrays the impact of human activities on marine life and the importance of cooperation to preserve the ocean environment.