Explain how Aisha Shirazi has used language in the poem ‘communication’ to show different aspects of ineffective communication? Give examples from the poem to support your answer

Answer :


In the poem "Communication" by Aisha Shirazi, the poet effectively portrays various aspects of ineffective communication through her use of language. Here are some ways she achieves this:

1. **Fragmented Language and Lack of Clarity:**

Shirazi employs fragmented sentences and disjointed phrases to depict confusion and lack of clarity in communication. For example, lines such as "clouds behind the stars / a cage of memories" (from the poem) use enjambment and juxtaposition to create a sense of disconnection and difficulty in conveying thoughts coherently. This reflects how ineffective communication can lead to misunderstandings and unclear messages.

2. **Contradictory Imagery:**

The poet uses contradictory imagery to highlight the discordance that ineffective communication can bring. For instance, lines like "words like shadows / that fall between us" suggest that words, instead of bridging gaps, create distance and misunderstanding. This imagery of shadows and barriers underscores how miscommunication can hinder true understanding and intimacy.

3. **Emotive Language and Tone:**

Shirazi employs emotive language and shifts in tone to convey the emotional turmoil caused by ineffective communication. Phrases such as "a garden of silence" evoke a sense of desolation and loneliness, indicating the emotional impact of failed communication. The poet's choice of words like "silence" and "shadows" emphasizes the void and emptiness that ineffective communication can leave behind.

4. **Repetition and Lack of Resolution:**

The poem utilizes repetition and lack of resolution to mirror the cycle of ineffective communication. Lines such as "in the night, a voice remains unheard" suggest a recurring theme of unspoken thoughts and unresolved issues. This repetition underscores the persistent nature of communication breakdowns and their enduring consequences.

Overall, Aisha Shirazi effectively uses language in "Communication" to illustrate how ineffective communication manifests through fragmented language, contradictory imagery, emotive language and tone, and repetition. These literary devices not only enhance the poetic quality of the poem but also deepen its exploration of the complexities and consequences of failed communication in human relationships.


first write the poem

then I will do something